Author Archives: Sebastian Rasche

Fit Testing FAQs

What is the point of fit testing? Fit testing is done to ensure that the [...]

Facial Hair Justification

If you are wearing a tight-fitting respirator then you must be clean shaven. Facial hair [...]

Fit Testing in House Vs Engaging a Fit Test Provider

Customers are regularly looking to establish fit testing in house (test their own employees). For [...]

Fit Test Software

In this quick guide we provide details of the correct fit test software to be [...]

Adding New RPE into FitPro Ultra

When adding new RPE into FitPro Ultra for fit testing, we are required to assign [...]

Fit Test Equipment and Consumables

We have been testing since 2015 and in this time have managed to systemise the [...]

Looking After Your PortaCount When Fit Testing

Your PortaCount is an expensive piece of equipment, and it is vital to meeting your [...]

Modified Fit Test Protocols

When using the modified protocol the requirements of the OSHA 1910.134 protocol still apply (user [...]

Pro Safety and Training Proud to Donate to Leukaemia Foundation

Being a family business, we have had family and friends affected by cancer so we [...]