This non-accredited training has been contextualised to suit the needs of the construction Industry, who are required to manage Silica exposure.
Under the WHS Act Section 19 businesses are required to:
- provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
- provide and maintain safe plant and structures for workers that are working with Silica products.
- ensuring safe systems of work for managing RCS.
- ensuring the safe use of silica products.
- providing information and training around Silica.
- ensuring conditions within the workplace are monitored to prevent Silica related diseases.
This training has been built in line with Step 8 of Silica – Technical guide to managing exposure in the workplace, along with Managing respirable crystalline silica dust
exposure in the stone benchtop industry Code of Practice 2019 and is designed to give workers a basic understanding of Silica and its risks.
This training has also been combined to include quantitative face fit testing.
Training is delivered face to face over 2-3 hours and then fit testing is conducted post training for an efficient training and fit testing experience.