Our Values

Our Values

As a business in a competitive marketplace we believe our culture and beliefs set us apart from the competition.

Our core values are:

  • To provide training and fit testing that is done in a way that exceeds customer expectations.
  • To only utilise passionate fit testers and trainers that are subject matter experts in their respective fields.
  • To deliver contextualised fit testing and training, made possible through quality consultation with our clients.
  • To be flexible to the needs of organisations.
  • To operate in a transparent, honest and ethical fashion.
  • To be as passionate about our customers businesses as we are of ours.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

By choosing Pro Safety and Training you will receive the following benefits:

  • Competitive pricing on courses and fit testing.
  • Courses developed by industry experts.
  • Compliant Fit Testing through our trained staff and under the supervision of an accredited fit tester.
  • Ability to mobilise quickly anywhere in Australia to deliver training or testing at your location.
  • Complimentary advice to make meeting legislative requirements easier.
  • A team of close knit professionals within a well managed company, that are able to assist with your needs.
Pro Safety and Training Face Fit Testing Service Brisbane Office


For training to be high quality we only utilise high quality trainers.

Pro Safety and Training only engages trainers with the below requirements.

Our Team

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