When completing fit testing, fit testers have a number of fit testing protocols they can use. It is critical that when fit testing is undertaken, the correct protocol is selected and the requirements of the protocol are met.
A common protocol when fit testing is the OSHA modified protocol, this comes in 2 different varieties (a protocol for reusable respirators, and a protocol for disposable respirators).
If you fail to choose the right protocol or complete the wrong exercises, this can lead to unreliable and questionable results, and can result in workers being insufficiently protected. It is critical that the correct protocol is selected when testing, as errors can be costly, and time consuming.
Protocol Requirements:
When using the modified protocol the requirements of the OSHA 1910.134 protocol still apply (user must self-don the RPE without assistance from the fit test operator, 5 minute comfort assessment period is completed prior to the fit test, test is completed clean shaven, test is completed whilst wearing other PPE, test is completed standing etc.). For further information on the specific requirements of the protocol please see here.
Selecting the Correct Protocol in the Software:
In Fit Pro Ultra, or Fit Pro + the correct protocol can be selected easily. You simply need to make sure that you select OSHA FAST-FULL/HALF FACE protocol if testing reusable respirators and OSHA FAST-FILTERING FACE protocol if testing disposable respirators.
OSHA FAST-FILTERING FACE (Testing Disposable Respirators)
When testing disposable respirators, you must select the OSHA FAST-FILTERING FACE protocol.
This protocol will apply to all disposable respirators and filtering facepieces.
The exercises we complete, and the durations are as follows:
Exercise Order | Exercises¹ | Exercise Procedure | Measurement Procedure |
1 | Bending Over | The test subject shall bend at the waist, as if going to touch his/her toes for 50 seconds and inhale 2 times at the bottom² | A 20 second ambient sample, followed by a 30 second mask sample. |
2 | Talking | The test subject shall talk out loud slowly and loud enough so as to be heard clearly by the test conductor for 30 seconds. He/she will either read from a prepared text such as the Rainbow Passage, count backward from 100, or recite a memorized poem or song | A 30 second mask sample. |
3 | Head Side-to-Side | The test subject shall stand in place, slowly turning his/her head from side to side for 30 seconds and inhale 2 times at each extreme² | A 30 second mask sample. |
4 | Head Up-and-Down | The test subject shall stand in place, slowly moving his/her head up and down for 39 seconds and inhale 2 times at each extreme² | A 30 second mask sample followed by a 9 second ambient sample. |
¹Exercises are listed in the order in which they are to be administered.
²It is optional for test subjects to take additional breaths at other times during this exercise.
OSHA FAST-FULL/HALF FACE (Testing Reusable Respirators)
When testing reusable respirators, you must select the OSHA FAST-FULL/HALF FACE protocol.
This protocol will apply to all reusable respirators (Elastomeric Half and Full Face).
The exercises we complete, and the durations are as follows:
Exercise Order | Exercises¹ | Exercise Procedure | Measurement Procedure |
1 | Bending Over | The test subject shall bend at the waist, as if going to touch his/her toes for 50 seconds and inhale 2 times at the bottom² | A 20 second ambient sample, followed by a 30 second mask sample. |
2 | Jogging-in-Place | The test subject shall jog in place comfortably for 30 seconds. | A 30 second mask sample. |
3 | Head Side-to-Side | The test subject shall stand in place, slowly turning his/her head from side to side for 30 seconds and inhale 2 times at each extreme² | A 30 second mask sample. |
4 | Head Up-and-Down | The test subject shall stand in place, slowly moving his/her head up and down for 39 seconds and inhale 2 times at each extreme² | A 30 second mask sample followed by a 9 second ambient sample. |
¹Exercises are listed in the order in which they are to be administered.
²It is optional for test subjects to take additional breaths at other times during this exercise.
Selecting the Correct Protocol in FitPro Ultra (when using the PortaCount 8048)

When assigning a client for the fit test, choose the drop-down menu and select the correct protocol for the mask you are testing.

If for example you are testing the 3M 6200 (a reusable respirator) we would select the OSHA FAST-FULL/HALF FACE protocol.

If for example you are testing the 3M 9322A+ (a disposable respirator) we would select the OSHA FAST-FILTERING FACE protocol.

Selecting the Correct Protocol in Fit Pro + (when using the PortaCount 8038)
When assigning a client for the fit test, choose the drop-down menu and select the correct protocol for the mask you are testing.

Select the protocol relevant to the respirator you are testing. If for example you are testing the 3M 6200 (a reusable respirator) we would select the OSHA FAST-FULL/HALF FACE protocol.

If for example you are testing the 3M 9322A+ (a disposable respirator) we would select the OSHA FAST-FILTERING FACE protocol.